What's with all the micro-macrame? Well, two reasons. I'm waiting for a new torch set-up to arrive and it's also still fairly warm here in the desert. In the upper 90's, maybe even close to 100 yesterday. Even so, I can see how all this knotting activity could be addicting. The endless play with colors, patterns and combinations. Plus, I have to do something with all those beads I've been making and collecting.
Another attempt at knotting cavandoli micro-macrame style. This bracelet pattern and directions are from Bead and Button book : Beaded Macrame Jewelry, embellished bracelet by Linnea Lockwood Gambino. It took a bit of reading and re-reading the directions, but the final outcome is worth the effort.
This is my first attempt at micro-macrame jewelry, also known as cavandoli knotting. The pattern and design are from the book: Beaded Macrame Jewelry by Sherri Haab. I used materials that I had on hand; Irish waxed linen thread, small beads and a shank button. The book is a handy guidepost with clear illustrations, design patterns, photographs and detailed instructions. I'd recommend taking a look at it if you are interested in trying your hand at this type of knot work.